
International Research Association for History and Social Sciences Education (IRAHSSE)


Statutes adopted by the 1st General Assembly of the Association (Rome, September 4th, 2012)
Article 1.
The International Research Association for History and Social Sciences Education (henceforth referred to as Association) is an Association of private law which is non-profit making according to articles 60 et seq of the Swiss Civil Code (CCS). The Association brings together people interested or engaged in research into History and Social Sciences Education.
Article 2.
The Association is interested in the school construction and the public uses of history and social sciences. It encourages the debate between the different approaches to these activities.
Article 3.
To achieve its objectives, the Association intends to create and coordinate an international network of researchers. It can organize conferences, promote or coordinate research projects, respond to demands for expertise, contribute to scientific publications or initiate them, develop partnerships…
Article 4.
The resources of the Association consist of subscriptions from its members (cf. art.6), contingency revenues from its scientific activities, contracts, and probable donations.
Article 5.1.
Member of the Association could be all persons concerned by research into history and social sciences education and interested in its objectives, on acceptance of their candidature by the G.A. Any candidacy is examined by a committee appointed by the director, before proposing the approval to the G.A.
Membership criterion 
Article 5.2.
Participation in research in the field of history or  social sciences education (core, institutional, theoretical, empirical, in the innovation, doctorate… etc. research or field survey, individually or collectively). The membership is validated after reception of the first annual contribution.
Membership fees 
Article 6.
The members of the Association are required to pay an annual membership fee, the amount of which is decided by the G.A.
Any member who is not up to date for this fee cannot participate in the assembly nor exercise his right to vote; any member who is not up to date with his membership fee for three consecutive years is considered to have resigned.
Article 7.
The organs of the Association are:
– The General Assembly (G.A.);
– The Board, composed of seven members; it should not comprise more than two members of the same nationality.
General Assembly 
Article 8.1. Context
The G.A. is convened by the board, in principle once a year and at least every second year or when a fifth of the members demand it. Members should be contacted and informed of the agenda no later than two months before the fixed date.
Article 8.2. Competencies.
The G.A. will:
– Elect a president of the session as well as a secretary of the session in charge of keeping the minutes of the G.A.
– Approve the minutes of the preceding G.A.
– Rule on the admission, the resignation or exclusion of its members after the proposal of the board.
– Decide on membership fees after the proposal of the board.
– Adopt the budget, the financial report and the annual accounts of the Association presented by the board.
– Debate on the society’s scientific orientations and pronounce on the perspectives of action.
– The decisions of the Association are taken in G.A.
Article 8.3. Decisions.
Decisions of the Association are taken by the G.A. by plurality of the votes of the members who are present and represented. Decisions are valid when a fifth of the members are present or represented. In defect, a decision can be taken by plurality through consultation of all members by post or by a secured online procedure. Any member up to date with their contribution can be represented with a maximum of two votes. The votes must be handed to the chairman in the opening of the G.A.
Article 8.4.
The G.A. can decide upon prospective points unforeseen by the agenda provided that they are proposed by a member at the opening of the assembly.
Article 9.1.
The board undertakes the realization of the Association’s goals, in particular the development of an international network of researchers.
Article 9.2.
The board is elected by direct and secret vote by the members of the Association. The incumbent board organizes the elections. The votes are sent by post or by a secured online procedure to a director nominated by the incumbent board who is neither participating nor a candidate. The board is elected for a term of three years. In the case of resignation or impediment of the majority of its members, it proceeds to new general elections. In other cases of resignation or impediment, it proceeds to partial elections until the end of the board’s term.
Article 9.3.
The members of the board elect the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the treasurer. They also delegate further responsibilities to other members within the board.
Article 9.4.
The board functions collectively. It manages the current affairs designated to its members and takes the decisions by plurality after consultation with the total of its seven members.
Article 9.5.
The board convenes the G.A. and prepares the agenda and the work of the G.A.
Article 9.6.
The board carries out the decisions of the G.A. The representation of the society is consigned to the President and if not possible to the Vice President. The correspondence is assured by the President or the Secretary according to the mandate of the board.
Article 9.7.
For specific missions, the board can appoint a member or a group of members responsible for their mission in the presence of the assembly.
Modification of the statutes 
Article 10.
The present statutes can be modified at any time by the G.A. by the absolute majority of members present or represented, provided that the proposal of modification is on the agenda. In other cases, the board consults all the members as indicated under article 8.3.
Article 11.
The Association can decide on its dissolution at any time, by a majority of two thirds of members present and represented at a G.A. convened for the purpose. In case of dissolution, the liquidation of the Association is regulated conforming to the arrangements foreseen by articles 57 et seq of the CCS.
Statutes written by the Constitutional Council
Geneva on December 13th 2009